Friday, November 28, 2008

Baby Shower Time!

My sweet friends threw me a birthday shower. It was a nice surprise as I was not expecting one since I am having another boy. This was actually my second one for this baby. My first shower was a joint shower, shared by pregnant buddies Katie and Rochelle, thrown by our awesome friends, but unfortunately we forgot our camera that time. We got some way cute clothes which is super nice since all we had for the baby till then was Hunter's hand-me-downs. I am excited to put him in his very own outfits. We got a whole bunch of other cute stuff too and I want to thank all our friends and family for their kindness and their gifts. We love you all and can't wait to show off our new little boy.
P.S. Yes I am aware of how much weight I have gained. That's why I added a picture of me, top right, running in my first triathlon when Hunter was 10 months old. It makes me feel optimistic.


Anonymous said...

Fun!!! I wish I could have been there... I'm excited for Christmas so I can visit and see your new baby boy! Luv ya tons!