Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So I got tagged for the first time!
Here are the questions:

7 things I can do:
1. Complete a triathlon
2. Make yummy cinnamon rolls
3. Paint (for fun, I am not good)
4. Write (poetry, stories, anything)
5. Save your life in a medical emergency
6. Raise my children
7. Play the piano (still learning)

7 things I can't do:
1. Become a vegetarian
2. Become a liberal
3. Understand racism
4. Vote for a black president (totally kidding)
5. Like carrot cake
6. Make my bed every day
7. Change the oil in a car

7 things that attracted me to Ty (spouse):
1. His full lips
2. His green eyes
3. His unique sense of humor
4. His ambition
5. His confidence
6. His tenderness
7. His hands

7 things I say the most:
1. So like...
2. Guess what Hunter said today?
3. Someday when Ty is done with school...
4. ...or whatever...
6. When I was an EMT...
7. Hunter you are a wild man.

7 people I admire most:
1. Tyler
2. Missionaries
3. Our U.S. soldiers
4. The LDS church general authorities
5. My grandparents
6. Ty's grandparents
7. Lance Armstrong

7 favorite foods:
1. Chinese food
2. Garlic bread
3. Snickers
4. Chocolate
5. Ranch dressing
6. Pasta
7. Cafe rio pork salad

7 people to tag: Lisa, Jess, Katie, Rochelle, Kelly, Crystal, anyone who takes the time to read my post.